2021 AGM and Voting Papers

Annual General Meeting

2.30pm Thursday 27 May, 2021
Marlborough Convention Centre, Blenheim

The Annual General Meeting of the above is to be held on Thursday 27 May 2021 at the Marlborough Convention Centre, BLENHEIM, commencing at 2.30pm (1430 hours).

In accordance with the registered constitution of Natural Health Products New Zealand Incorporated and as a financial member of Natural Health Products NZ, the following documents can be downloaded for your information:

All attendees should read and review the documents in advance of the AGM.


The final date for nominations for positions on the Executive Board of Natural Health Products NZ to be received by the General Manager of Natural Health Products NZ was Monday 12 April 2021.

In 2021 there will be 2 positions available.

Three (3) nominations have been received in accordance with the Constitution of Natural Health Products NZ:

  • Samantha Gray, BioEquitas Ltd
  • Ravinesh Kumaran, GMP Pharmaceuticals Ltd
  • Liz McNamara, BioBalance Ltd


Download a Voting/Ballot form and the Candidate Details for each candidate standing for a position on the Executive Board.

Each company which is a current full financial member is entitled to one vote and full details on how to place your vote are on the ballot paper.


The final date for motions was Monday 12 April 2021.  No motions have been received.


If you are unable to attend the AGM and wish to have a proxy to vote on your behalf at the meeting, please complete this Proxy Form and submit to Natural Health Products NZ.

Please complete and submit the proxy form to Natural Health Products NZ by way of email as a scanned document, or by post (PO Box 9026, Newmarket, Auckland 1149). This must be received by Natural Health Products NZ by 12pm midday on Thursday 20 May 2021.

Please note that to attend and participate in the AGM or have a proxy stand in your place, each member must be financial for the 2020 year, as at Thursday 13 May 2021.

More than one person from each company may attend the AGM however only one (1) representative of each Full Member company may vote at the Annual General Meeting.

In accordance with the Constitution, every company which is a Full financial member of Natural Health Products NZ shall be attributed 1 vote per company. (Associate Members may attend but do not have voting rights).

Kerry Warn