
More than 80% of all companies involved in New Zealand’s natural products industry belong to Natural Health Products NZ, including all major brands and manufacturers. Our membership comprises businesses that manufacture and supply natural health remedies, dietary supplements, health support products, and related ingredients and services.

Horopito (Pseudowintera colorata) is only found in New Zealand and is one of the oldest surviving flowering plants having survived 65 million years because of the superb natural chemical defence system in its leaves. It is a strong antioxidant and contains the sesquiterpene compound polygodial, best known for its antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. The subcanopy of native forests provides ideal conditions for the growth of yeasts and fungi, which is why Horopito has developed such outstanding natural defences in its leaves against these organisms. Active Horopitoâ„¢ oleoresin is a rich source of polygodial.